Facebook – BBP Neighborhood

Did you now there is a Facebook Group just for the neighbors in BBP?  The group is called Brushy Bend Park Neighborhood.  This is a closed group, so membership is private and approved.  Items posted from members of the group can appear in your Facebook news feed, but these items will only appear in the news feeds for members of the group. Non-members will not see these items unless you share them.  The group can be used to share any neighborhood items, news, questions, events or information.  The purpose of this group is to provide another way for neighbors to share information through social networking.  We will continue to use the Homeowners email list, this website  and the Nextdoor app to share information.

To join the Facebook group, go to the group in Facebook (website or app) and click Join Group in the top-right corner. You may have to wait a brief period for one of our group admins to approve your request.

To sign up for Brushy Bend Park on Nextdoor, click here:
